December 26, 2011

December 2011

Been a while......

I have been busy with my study,,,,,Alhamdulillah, in februar 2012 I will start my last practic, after that need to focus with my bachelor project.

Yup, i agreed 100% ...Times goes by so fast. I was remembered that i began to take bachelor programme in social education in 2009 , then within one year Insya Allah I will get my bachelor.

It's kind of relief i could manage both my study and my family. If i were a single, maybe I won't be as responsible like i am now.

All b'cause i get support from my hubby and Aisyah. I can't wait also to have job...but I don't know, if i will get it right after i finish my study. If not, maybe need to think over for having a second child ^_^...*twink-twink*

Happy holidays fellas!


Anonymous said...

Salaam mbak Vera, saya juga berencana untuk kuliah ambil bachelor program lagi di DK, suami saya kebetulan juga associate professor di salah satu universitas disini. Ketika mendaftar bachelor program semua gratis kan mbak, dengan izin tinggal yang based nya Family reunification? dapat SU juga kah? Terima kasih. Lia

Ummu Aisyah said...

Waalaikumussalam Lia...
salam kenal yah...klo family reunification berarti udah sama hak2nya dengan yg lain. tergantung programnya dlm bhs danish ato inggris? klo danish berarti harus ada ikut danish kursus dulu.

Anonymous said...

terima kasih atas reply nya mbak Vera, saya sendiri waktu di Indonesia kuliahnya cuma sampai 1.5 semester, apa harus ujian matrikulasi dulu ya mbak untuk bisa ambil bachelor di Danish uni jika hanya pake ijazah SMA? Saat ini saya masih proses aplikasi FR, dan msh menunggu peraturan baru berlaku, jadi belum punya CPR. Kalau dgn new rule, saya harusnya dpt kursus gratis 6bln sblm passing Dansk prøve 1 test. Cuma gak yakin bisa langsung ambil bachelor with highschool diploma. Makasih banyak mbak Vera. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb